African's proverb of the day 4 otcber 2016 from the section Afica

Image copyrightMANUEL TOLEDO
Image caption
"A baby on its mother's back does not know the way is long"
Proverbs are an integral part of African culture. Passed on from generation to generation for centuries, they are still in wide use today and are very much part of everyday speech.
Proverbs are used to illustrate ideas, reinforce arguments and deliver messages of inspiration, consolation, celebration and advice.
The great Nigerian author Chinua Achebe once wrote: "Proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten."
Please use the form at the end of this page to send in your wise words.
Your proverbs from the last few months:
Friday 30 September
The person who today jumps across the river will one day wade through it. A Kikuyu proverb sent by Wangui Mugo, Endarasha, Kenya
Thursday 29 September
By working together, the teeth can chew the meat. A Luganda proverb from Uganda sent by Henry Gombya, Farnborough, UK
Wednesday 28 September
Don't leave your old mat for a new one which you see in passing. A Swahili proverb sent by Anderson Maina, Nairobi, Kenya
Tuesday 27 September
If a leaf stays long on soap, it becomes soap too. A Yoruba proverb sent by Dayo Adekunle, Ilorin, Nigeria
Monday 26 September
If you kill a frog in a well, you kill the community. An Ateso proverb sent by Olanyo Joseph, Orungo, Uganda
Friday 23 September
A roofer's house leaks. A Ndebele/Zulu proverb sent by Sondlo Leonard Mhlaba, Boston, US
Thursday 22 September
You do not enter an open door, you enter an open face. A Somali proverb sent by Bukhari Sankus, Mogadishu, Somalia
Wednesday 21 September
You are beautiful but learn to work for you cannot eat your beauty. A Congolese proverb sent by Rech Lony Both, Kampala, Uganda
Tuesday 20 September
A tree alone cannot withstand a storm. A Twi proverb sent by Napoleon Dotse Woka, Senchi Ferry, Ghana
Monday 19 September
Work is the medicine for poverty. A Yoruba proverb sent by Simeon Akpanudo, Lagos, Nigeria
Friday 16 September
Coffee and love taste best when hot. Sent by Kuma Hora, Finfinnee, Oromia, Ethiopia
Thursday 15 September
It is famine that makes one to eat the fruits of strange trees. A Yoruba proverb sent by Dapo Tiwo, Lagos, Nigeria
Wednesday 14 September
A naked man does not put his hands in his pocket. Sent by Adamu, Debiso, Ghana
Tuesday 13 September
If you watch your pot, your food will not burn. Sent by Thon Makuei Deng Yak, Kampala, Uganda
Monday 12 September
A camel beaten by a left-handed man has no safe side. A Somali proverb sent by Ibrahim A Issack, Nairobi, Kenya
Friday 9 September
The youth can walk faster but the elder knows the road. Sent by Ebenezer Nana Botsio, Accra, Ghana
Thursday 8 September
There is no difference between a thief and his accomplice. A Kikuyu proverb sent by George Omari, Nairobi, Kenya
Wednesday 7 September
One day's rain cannot get deep into the soil. An Ibibio proverb from Nigeria sent by Blessing Umoudit, London, UK
Tuesday 6 September
Little by little the bird builds its nest. A Bambara proverb from Mali sent by Laia Dosta, Teia, Catalonia, Spain
Monday 5 September
If you want to keep cattle you must sleep like them. A Kinyarwanda proverb sent by Angelique Gatsinzi, Nottingham, UK
Friday 2 September
The antelope that likes life does not enter the mosque of the hunters. A Somali proverb sent by Shariff Ahmed, Dadaab, Kenya
Thursday 1 September
A fox does not escort a chicken. An Acholi proverb sent by Maryano Otto, Kampala, Uganda
Wednesday 31 August
If you want the best sweet potato you must dig deeper. A Kikuyu proverb sent by Bella Mwangi, Nairobi, Kenya
Tuesday 30 August
The camel's tail is far from the ground. A Hausa proverb sent by Shamsuddeen Saminu, Dorayi, Kano, Nigeria
Monday 29 August
If your enemy has thrown the only spear he had at you, it means that he doesn't fear you. Sent by Vairi Natale Gbiiti, Tombura, South Sudan
Friday 26 August
The lion which moves silently is the


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