please read and learn from this story


My name is Happiness Dayo. I am from Ogun State. I woke up to my nightmare on December 5th 1996. "Happy wake up, wake up" this was the voice of our maid Ireti. "Aunty what happened? You sound scared". I was 8 years old but very wise. "Shhhhhhhhhhh" she said. "Do not make a sound" She dragged me out of bed, pushed me under the bed and told me to stay still. That was the last time I ever saw my dear aunty Ireti. I heard gun shots and screams coming from the living room but I couldn't move. My little mind told me all was not right. I told my self over and over again "Don't move aunty Ireti said so" My world crumbled that day, happiness ceased to exist for me. I was told my parents had gone to heaven. I asked when would I see them again no one gave me an answer. I was lonely and hungry I asked for Aunty Ireti they said she went with my parents and they are not coming back. I wept and wept and wept. I heard people coming into our house and going out, all talking about the murder of my parents by armed men. They all looked at me with pity and despair. I was so hungry and alone and I prayed like my mum taught me. "God my father help me"


My mum was an only child and also an orphan so I was moved to Lagos to stay with my father's sister, Aunty Remi. My stay in Lagos was Hell. I remember the night I got to Aunty Remi's house. I was tired and sad yearning for my beloved parents. My Aunt looked at me and said "your witch mother has finally killed my brother, I warned him but he refused to listen. Now am stuck with a useless child like you". I was crying and she slapped me so hard I felt it in my head, "you better stop that noise you are making or else you would join them soon". From that day I did everything to please my Aunt to no avail. She looked for little reasons to punish me. She made me sell things on the street. She registered me with the local government girls school. I wore slippers to school cause she won't bubigy me shoes. I beg food to eat during lunch time and after closing hours, I trek hundreds of miles back home.Through all these I never ceased praying. I didn't forget how to pray. My aunt does not attend church but I sneak out every Sunday to a church down the street close to our house. Church was the only place I can dance and forget about my pain. I loved music, that was what drew me to church the most. AT LAST some good news came. After so much sorrow, my life is about to change.
Stay with me and find out.


A letter came in from my school that I had been awarded a scholarship due to excellent performance in school. I was happy and over joyed, I had something to live for. As years pass on, God gave me the strength to bear all the pain caused by my Aunt. I was focused I had to be something in life, I will not give up. My Aunt passed away when I was writing my SSCE exams, I was 17 at that time. I was all alone again. She didn't have any children because she never married. I missed her, though she was cruel to me she provided a roof over my head and a place to call home for awhile. Going through my Aunt's things when she died I came upon my father's office bag. All the memories came back to hunt me and fresh tears fell from my eyes. I opened the bag, I saw some documents which I didn't really understand at that time, I saw some photographs and a bunch of keys. Few weeks following her death, I started looking for a job, I needed food and a roof over my head. Other family members refused to take me in believing that am an evil child that would bring harm to them. On a sunday after close from church I saw a wallet on floor just outside the church. I looked around and didn't see anyone in search of anything so I took it to our pastor. He prayed for me and thanked me. But before I left his office the owner came in. The man was really thankful and happy, he opened the wallet


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